
Sexy Red Lips

Song :)

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Power Of Empathy

Assalamualaikum people!
 so hari ni hari yanggggg ke entah berapa i practical. and today memang boring sebab tiada client and pegawai pun tak jadi nak siasat kes. my partner was going out and i terperap dalam bilik meeting yg "gedek" ini. so i pun baca lah buku partner i ni since she left me alone. hahaha actually buku ni memang ada dalam this luxury room so jangan memandai kata i baca buku orang ea. i memang susah nak baca buku lagi lagi yg melibatkan facts. but this book was different. the author is Arthur P. Ciaramicoli and Katherine Ketcham. tapi yang buat i teruja is Arthur P. Ciaramicoli.

 He is the chief Psychologist and Director of Alternative Medicine Services, MetroWest Wellness Center, an AMA affiliate medical center in Framingham, Massachusetts. He is a faculty member of the Havard Medical School, where he is instructor of psychology in the Department of Psychiatry.
he is sooooooooooooooooooo amazing right?

cara penulisan buku ni sangat best. i belum habis lagi baca buku ni. tapi i nak juga cerita dengan uolls.  since i ni student counseling i kena lah baca buku macam ni. THE POWER OF EMPATHY. The word Empathy ni wajib utk semua counselor . so for those yg ingin tahu lebih dalam cara penghayatan empathy you guys can find this book. the sad moment when he write about his own late brother DAVID (he is a drug addict).David was suffering from "depressive illness", "personality disorder", "addictive personality" and many more. Arthur missed the opportunities to help his own brother. He never told his parents that David's death was suicide and he even convinced the funeral director to change the cause of death from a heroin overdose to heart failure.
 serious niii bacalahhhhhhh. tak rugi punnnn.

Empathy is the capacity to understand and respond to the unique experiences of another. it allows us to connect with one another on a meaningful and fulfilling level. And most important empathy is essential to having a loving relationship

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